Even Though He Was Sitting on the Shore, the Dog Still Could Not Believe That He Had Escaped Death

Prudik’s story was sad and moving. Prudik, the poor dog, was chased by some hunting dogs. While running, he fell into a river and was trapped in it. She had a lot of bruising and swelling on her neck, head, ears and face.
His left eye was damaged and half closed. There are no words that can describe how desperate he seemed at that moment. At 6 in the morning I was there and took him to the emergency vet. Herniated discs caused Prudik a lot of problems and pain. Then the doctor started spinal block therapy. Prudik was a smart and understanding dog, but he was unlucky in life.
The days of suffering would certainly end and I would be the one to help him in this. The wounds and bites on his body almost completely healed and his skin became soft. They took him out of the room and I carried him in a support harness. He was eating well, but had lost weight. The wheelchair was tightened tightly and Prudik was able to breathe fresh air.
But the bad thing that happens is that the lining opens, the parallel gland may have rotted. I spent the whole day hugging him, crying and feeling very sorry for Prudik. Prudik’s general condition did not change; he ate, drank, and defecated mostly formally. During the night there were severe convulsions.
The cause was necrosis that develops at a tremendous rate. It could spread to the entire body despite daily treatment with chymotrypsin. Prudik also had a very large tumor on his spine that had grown into soft tissue. The sad thing was that it was a malignant tumor. Blood tests showed that sepsis had begun.
The strongest painkillers only helped for a few hours. After many days of deliberation, I decided to let Prudik go where I was sure he would not suffer anymore. “Soft clouds to you in paradise, our beloved Prudik.”
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