Dog Who Faints When Excited Doesn’t Let His Disability Keep Him Down

Dog struck down with ‘fainting goat syndrome’ as vets and owner flummoxed over spaniel who freezes and falls every time he is excited.
Peter the dog has a unique condition that causes him to faint when he gets too excited. His family noticed his unusual condition when he was young. He freezes and falls backwards during an episode that lasts a few minutes. This can happen at the strangest times, such as when he goes from grass to concrete or when he sees ducks.
His family, who affectionately nicknamed him “Petrified Pete,” took him to the vet, who is unsure of the cause of this neurological condition. It could be fainting goat syndrome or something else. Fortunately, the vets are convinced that Pete feels no pain when he has one of these episodes. And Pete doesn’t let it get him down either. He immediately gets up and goes on with his day.
Some people are horrified because they think he is having a seizure, but once his family explains what is going on, they want to get to know him. Pet loves it, his family says, because “he loves everyone and everyone loves him.”
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