Learn and Enjoy the Beauty of Royal Flycatchers: Majestic Birds With Beautiful Crowns

The royal flycatcher is the name given to four species of birds belonging to the Tityridae family. The word “royal” refers to the fascinating plumage on the crown of the bird’s head, a magnificent array of red, yellow, white, blue or black colors. King flycatchers use this bright, colorful plumage for courtship, after mating, for grooming or when fighting with other males for territory.

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An uncommon, medium-sized brown flycatcher of lowland rainforest. Note the hammer-shaped crest, very rarely raised to reveal a spectacular flame-red and violet-blue fan. Note also the long beak, rump and pale cinnamon tail. It is usually found alone or in pairs in the open canopy at mid-height, where it flies actively in search of insects. The nest is a pile of dead vegetation up to 3 feet long, suspended from the end of a branch, often along a stream bed.

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